Tag Archives: humility

The Fine Line Between Arrogance And Humility!

Arrogance is such an ugly word and it is an even uglier attitude. I am ashamed to say that I have allowed this word to become my reality far too many times in my life and living. It is one of those things that can creep up on you before you even realize it’s there. Arrogance puts you in a place of looking down on others even when you are beneath them. It is a very unrealistic view of self and others that causes us to elevate self and lower others.

Most would say that the opposite of arrogance is humility, but we have to be careful with that one, because it is way too easy to have a humility that is fake, counterfeit and not real, which is an even greater form of arrogance.

Philippians 2:3-4 “3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; 4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”

The reality is that we are all the creation of God and God has given each of us our own unique gifts, talents and blessings. God’s love, grace and power flow into each of our lives and as we learn to live in humility, it flows through our lives to others and brings us a fulfillment like nothing else can.

We have to be very careful not to become arrogant and think of ourselves, better, smarter or more valuable than others. We also have to be careful not to get caught up in a fake humility that does not take into account the value that God in us, places on each one of us. Either extreme is dangerous and keeps us from experiencing the miraculous power we were created in and for.

Take some time today to think about who you are in God as you think about God in you. Also take time to recognize who others are in God and honor God in them. There is a fine line between humility and arrogance and on that line we discover purpose, power and peace…

Please Pray For Me!

For the past several months, God has been teaching me a lot about Himself and the amazing love that He has for me!  It is a very humbling thing when you begin to realize and gain understanding of this most incredible reality!  I have always known that God loves me, but in recent days it has become more than knowing.  The experience of God-loving me has become more powerful and more real than I have ever known it before.  It is absolutely awesome to be loved by Him.  I cannot even come close to coming up with adequate words to try to explain to you what I am talking about – simply amazing!

This is where I need your prayer help/support! I want to love God back!  I don’t just want to say that I love Him back.  I want to really love Him back – with the most incredible, powerful and pure love that I can come up with.  I feel so inadequate.  Pray for me – that I will totally open up my heart and life to receive all that God has for me and that I will stay open, so that His love may flow to and through my life.  It does not matter if you understand what I am talking about – just pray that I will love God back -more and better than I ever have before.

I want to love my wife and children! I love them, but they deserve so much more and I want to be the man of God that can give it to them.  Pray that I will be the loving husband that God created me to be and that I will love my wife as Jesus loved the church!  Pray that I will love my children with the “Father Love” that the Heavenly Father loves me with!

I want to love my congregation! One of the amazing things about God’s love is that even when I mess up – He still loves me.  God’s love for me is not based upon what I do or do not do!  He loves me, simply because He is love!  Pray that I will love the congregation of people who He has blessed me with the opportunity of teaching and leading with a sacrificial and restorative love!

I want to love my family and friends! God has been very good to bless me with an incredible family and some amazing friends.  I have tried to be there for them and tried to love them, but I know that I can and should do better.  Pray that God will help me to love them with a deeper, purer and more unselfish love!

I want to love strangers and enemies! I know that I honor God when I love the un-loveable, so pray that God will help me to love others as He loves me – with an unconditional and unselfish love!

Thanks for reading today and thanks for praying for me! The bottom line:  I want to be a Mark 12:30 Christian and love God with all of my heart, all of my soul and all of my mind!  I do love you and with your prayers and with God’s help – I will love God and you in an even greater way in the days ahead!