Tag Archives: burdens

Getting Rid Of Unnecessary Weight!

One of my favorite things to do in my spare time is get out into nature. A fun way to do this is to load up my back pack and head out into the woods to escape to nowhere for a few days and just enjoy the creation of my surroundings. One of the things you learn after taking a few of these trips is that a lot of the stuff you pack, you don’t really need. Most people tend to carry around a lot of unnecessary weight and it doesn’t take long to learn the importance of getting rid of the unnecessary burden of extra weight. This is true on the trail and in life…

A burden is extra weight and is usually weight that is unnecessary. This is weight we can get rid of, if we want to and are willing to go through the process. We just have to surrender, let go of, be willing to give up what is weighing us down and there is great blessing in taking the time and making the effort. Stop for just a moment and think about what it is that is weighing you down. Make a “BURDEN LIST” and identify the things on that list that you need to let go of. And now, let’s make a plan to get rid of the unnecessary weight.

When you look at your burden list, what on the list can you do something about? If you can do something about it, then do it and move on. If you can’t do anything about it, then surrender it to God and move on. Either way, the key move for you to make is to “MOVE ON!” That mean’s get out from under the unnecessary burden and stop carrying around weight that is keeping you from your best and blessed life.

What are you carrying around right now that you need to surrender and let go of?

Jesus said in Matthew 28 – “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Be honest with yourself and with your Creator, and release whatever it is to God. You do not have to carry these unecessary burdens into your day as if they are some critical part of your human experience. Take it off of your back and put it in God’s hands. When you are powerless, He is powerful and this is usually the point that supernatural miracles begin to manifest themselves in our life.

Spirit will illuminate the darkness and love will overcome fear. With my thoughts, I identify the unnecessary weight of the burdens that are weighing me down and place them on the altar of sacrifice in my mind and willingly surrender them to God, knowing and trusting that God is alive and powerful in my Spirit, enabling me to overcome any challenges, so that I might experience the victory, blessings and growth I was created for.

You are not alone and you do not have to carry all the weight of life by yourself. Your Creator is waiting for you to allow Him to help you lighten your load by taking your burdens from you. Spirit will help your thinking to rise to a higher place of experience, so that you discover your supernatural strength that opens this human experience to miracles of love and light that chase away fear and illuminate darkness, which gets rid of the unnecessary weight you should have never been carrying around anyway.

At the end of the day, the point is: You should be enjoying this journey! This is much easier to do when you are not lugging around all that extra and unnecessary weight, so let it go…